Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Forest Gump

In the film Forest Gump there are a lot of different meanings and hidden messages. The theme I got out of this movie is that it doesn’t matter if you’re slower than most you can still do way more than others. The key is having the motivation to try new things. For example Forest got into a number of different things like fishing, ping pong, the army, and running across the USA. He would never have known that he could have done any of these things if he didn’t try. The movie Forest Gump lingers with you because it’s a feel good movie that gives people hope. It made me feel good to see a person with challenges be successful in life. To some older people it’s like a memory of their childhood and how they grew up.

Jennie played a very important character in this film. She was his first and only childhood friend. Forest didn’t have a lot of people he was close to even though there were a lot of people in and out of his house. It all started when she gave him a seat on the bus. He was pretty upset when she went away. It was hard for him to let her go and he followed her around for a while. She comes back in his life when they are in their mid adult hood. Forest was so thrilled to see her but their relationship was complicated. Jennie left him only to return a couple years later. Shortly after she came back the last time she decided to tell him that she was very sick and dying. Forest stayed by her and raised “their child.” Jennie plays a huge role throughout his whole life.

The quote "Life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're gonna get" is very perceptive. It explains Forest’s approach to life in many ways. Forest wasn’t afraid of trying new things and had a life full of variety.

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